Donate to
Fundación Cóndor Andino

Give to Fundación Cóndor Andino

The Biodiversity Group is proud to offer fiscal sponsorship services to a network of conservationists across the globe and charge one of the lowest affiliation fees in the industry at only 7%! This is half of what most fiscal sponsorships charge which allows us to operate sustainably and even provide democratized resources to our sponsees that they would otherwise not be able to afford. A true win-win!

Donate through TBG to Fundación Cóndor Andino and it’s 100% tax-deductible!

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Donation Total: $100 One Time

Fundación Cóndor Andino, Ecuador, is an Ecuadorian NGO, created in 2018 to give continuity to our Andean Condor Research Project, which began in 2012. Our organization focuses on understanding and conserving endangered species and ecosystems in Ecuador-one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. To do this we focus on highly endangered or emblematic species that can be considered “umbrella species”. This is a species that by understanding and conserving it we can understand and conserve the ecosystem where it inhabits and all other species that share that environment.

Our main research projects focus on the Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) catalogued as Vulnerable (IUCN VU 2021) internationally and Endangered (EN) locally; the Black-and-Chestnut Eagle (Spizaetus isidori) catalogued as Endangered (IUCN EN) internationally and Critically Endangered (CR) locally, and the Spectacled Bear (Tremarctos ornatus) catalogued as Vulnerable (IUCN VU) internationally and Endangered (EN) locally. We also work in close coordination in the management of Rio Manduriacu Reserve, located in the Tropical Andes Biodiversity Hotspot, where we have discovered several new species of amphibians and rediscovered several species thought to be extinct.

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The Biodiversity Group
10980 W Rudasill Rd.
Tucson, AZ 85743 USA

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See our report

TBG is a US 501(c)(3) charity so your gift is 100% tax-deductible. EIN 20-3091062

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