Our scientific results are applied to global-scale conservation policy. For instance, governments that are parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) must assess how well they are conserving and managing ecosystems according to international targets such as the convention’s Aichi 2020 Targets. Unfortunately, these Aichi targets are more influenced by politics than science, and thus set targets far lower than what is truly needed.
Now that 2020 has come and gone, we can also see that most governments missed their targets, which is now influencing the adoption of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. This framework will hopefully get us closer to the 2050 vision of “living in harmony with nature.” Much like the Paris Agreement, these are non-binding resolutions, so governments are not required to hit the marks. With pressure from the public and organizations like The Biodiversity Group, we hope to push them closer to meeting the agreed terms. One such way of pushing your government in the right direction is to support the Global Deal for Nature which aims to preserve 30% of Earth’s surface by 2030 and rid ourselves of non-renewable energy by 2050.
There is also a guiding set of global goals that were adopted by United Nations Member States called the Sustainable Developement Goals (SDGs). Our programs and partnerships play a critical role in achieving these goals.