Since 2017, our expedition surveys have contributed to the expansion of the Rio Manduriacu Reserve which protects several species that had been either thought to be extinct or were completely new to science. With the reserve having doubled in size since we began, we are proud to have contributed to protecting the very last sanctuary for these endangered species!
In 2015 we, along with our Vietnamese partners, were able to get the rare and imperiled Chinese Crocodile Lizard (Shinisaurus crocodilurus; pictured as the banner image for this page) listed as an endangered species. Poaching is largely responsible for the profound decrease in numbers of this sole survivor of an ancient lineage. Given their demand as pets and for folk medicine, this IUCN red-listing will be crucial to protecting these waterfall clinging lizards from extinction.
Our survey work in Jama Coaque Reserve in coastal Ecuador has helped the Third Millennium Alliance purchased hundreds of hectares of some of the most threatened habitat on earth!
Through our novel, altruistic fiscal sponsorship program, we have been facilitating the work of several other organizations whose mission is to protect biodiversity. And with our Connect and Conserve partnership, we have are helping the entire conservation community better understand the needs of the world and which species and habitats we need to focus on.